Schloss Hrubá Skála

 ¿Qué ver en Schloss hrubá skála, Paraíso checo?

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The Schloss Hrubá Skála is a castle located in the Czech Paradise region of the Czech Republic. The castle is open to visitors from April to October with varying hours depending on the day of the week. The entrance fee for adults is approximately 4 euros and for children and students, it is approximately 2 euros. The official website for the castle is

In the surrounding area, there are many hiking trails and natural sights to see, such as the Prachov Rocks and the Kost Castle. The Prachov Rocks are open year-round and have varying hours depending on the season. The entrance fee is approximately 2 euros for adults and 1 euro for children and students. The Kost Castle is open from April to October with varying hours depending on the day of the week. The entrance fee is approximately 4 euros for adults and 2 euros for children and students.

Overall, the Schloss Hrubá Skála and its surrounding area offer a great opportunity to explore the natural beauty and history of the Czech Paradise region.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Schloss hrubá skála)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Schloss hrubá skála)